About Phi Tau Phi:
The name of the Society, the Phi Tau Phi
Scholastic Honor Society of America, referred to as Phi Tau Phi, stands
for Philosophia, Technologia, and Physiologia, respectively, collectively
representing all disciplines of learning.
The purposes of the
Society are to encourage high scholarship, to stimulate research, to
afford a reward for high scholastic accomplishment, and to form bonds of
intellectual and professional fellowship among its members. The Society
shall be completely non-political in nature.
The Society is
incorporated under Section 402 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation
The basic organization of the Society shall be the regional
chapters: East America, Mid-America, and West America. Each regional
chapter shall be autonomous except in matters of overall concern as
determined by the National Executive Council.
Membership to the
Society must be nominated by current members of Phi Tau Phi, and then
approved by the majority of the Advisory Board of the